Monday, March 23, 2009

Emma and Eliza

I have been reading the biographies of Emma Smith and Eliza R. Snow. My father -in- law gave them to me for Christmas and said that these biographies were the most well done and accurate. I have enjoyed learning about these amazing women so much. I finished Emma a month or so ago and I'm almost done reading Eliza. I can't imagine enduring what these great LDS women endured. What strength. I don't have much spare time to read during the day, so I just read a few pages every night before bed. Last night I read a particularly funny paragraph I thought I'd share. Apparently Eliza was concerned about the young women of the church dressing immodestly...

This statement was given by one of Brigham Young's daughters Clarissa, "...but there came a time when Father called all of the girls into the parlor and announced that they were becoming entirely too adept in following the fashions of 'the world' and that he would like them to modify their manner of dress. Flounces were to be curtailed, bangs were no longer to be frizzed, bustles were to be subdued; in fact, they were to retrench in all the vanities and frivolities of the world and set an example for the rest of the daughters of Zion to follow."

I am just imagining this scene with all Brigham Young's daughters (the oldest 10 were referred to as the Big Ten, because I guess they were pretty hot and sought after by many young men...hmmm.) I imagine them gathered around with tight dresses and frizzed bangs. I was laughing out loud in my bed. Heaven forbid frizzy bangs! Amen Brother Brigham.


  1. That is hilarious! I wish there were pictures of them like that all frizzed out! :)

  2. I LOVE those books. I have read and re-read them. I for one am glad that I live in the time I do now...I wonder what Great, Great, Great Aunt Eliza would have to say about us now?! She intimidates me...even through the book!!

  3. That is so funny! It's so interesting to hear what life was like back then. Anne of Green Gables is kind of similiar, it's funny the things that are so shocking to them. But it's so sweet and innocent at the same time - I love it! I'll have to read these 2 books too! They sound so interesting.
