Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Oregon Trail

Today Derek spent the whole day dressed as a pioneer on the Oregon Trail. The 2nd and 3rd grade classes have been studying and preparing for this day all year. The school had the whole day set up with covered wagons, a trail to follow around the grounds with stops along the way and a campfire at the end. They were grouped into families and have been keeping Oregon Trail journals for a month or so. It was so much fun. Kurt and I got to be there to help. At one point on the trail, the kindergarteners (Lauren's class) came running through like a stampede of buffalo. They had big masks on and they were running like mad. I was actually feeling like I was on Little House on the of my life long dreams:)

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Dave and I went to San Antonio Texas this last week for a work conference. It was really relaxing and there was lots of great food. I had never been to Texas so it was a first for me. We went to the Alamo which was right in the middle of San Antonio...I thought that was weird but amazing too, all those super old buildings mixed in with the big city. Thanks to Grandma Baird and Aunt Jandi, the kids were safe and happy at home. Some of the high lights from our trip...
Notice how I am saluting and that wood indian is shading his eyes...I am such a dork. Why would an indian be saluting!? I guess it's good I can laugh at myself and that Dave can laugh at me, while he's taking the picture!!!