Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day Primary Activity

For our Primary Activity we decided to do a service project on Veteran's Day. I put this video together to show the kids, then we wrote letters and put packages together for some brothers in our ward serving in Iraq and also thank you cards for the men and women in our ward who are Veterans. The kids wore red white and blue and decorated patriotic cupcakes. Can I just say I LOVE saying the Pledge of Allegiance with children. It was a beautiful experience to be involved with.


  1. Krystal, that is awesome. I remember saying the pledge in grade school each morning. I actually was involved in a debate at the "U" defending saying the pledge in school. Nice to know that we still support our freedom that is given at such a high price at times.

  2. That is so cool!! What a great activity! All the primary kids look so much older to me. I miss Molalla!! You guys especially! :)

  3. this is such a neat idea. I love it!
