Thursday, January 13, 2011

Let the Nerf wars begin

 The boys got these nerf guns for Christmas.  They recently got two more from Grandpa Pederson. I think I actually saw the boys cuddling their new nerf guns in their beds the other night.  Little orange darts can now be found all over the house.  In corners, behind couches, under laundry piles and even stuck to our fairly high ceiling.  Let the nerf wars begin. 


  1. Phahaha! I love it!! Artyom would be right there with you all if he could. Have fun!

  2. So awesome. Everyone looks like such hardcore nerf bandits. Very cool!

  3. HaHa!!! I love that pic of Dave. That would be so much fun, I can see our family wanting to do the same thing:)

  4. Love the safety goggles! Looks like fun!
