Monday, May 7, 2012

Now he is a man

Nathan turned 12 in April.  He went to General Conference Priesthood session with the men:)
Uncle Paul (Dave's brother and our new neighbors, yay! :) with Grandpa Pederson, Dave and Nathan.  Nathan's favorite part of the evening was the tradition of eating at Carl's Jr. afterwards.  What a man. 

Nathan graduated from Primary and earned his Faith in God award. 
Goodbye Sharing time...Hello mutual:)

Always my little boy.


  1. Way to go Nathan!! We love you so much and are very proud of the man you are becoming. I loce the picture generations of Pederson men who honor the priesthood.

    Just so you know...Uncle Artyom's favorite part of going to the priesthood session is our tradition of Arctic Circle afterwards with the Hansen's. ")
