Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pioneer Trek

Last week Dave and I had the privilege of going on the stake youth pioneer trek as Ma and Pa with 21 youth in our family.  These young men and women are full of strength and love.  We had the best time ever!

I love these kids!!!!

Nathan and his cousin Ethan

The Brown family (minus Michael who was helping another family and Papa Brown-Dave who was taking the picture;)


  1. I love seeing these pictures! I can't wait to hear more about it! I'm glad it went so well!

  2. Looks like fun! Our stake went this year too...I think they only had 8-10 kids per group, so you had a huge family! :)

  3. I'm glad you guys had such a great time!! I hope we get to do this someday. I still want to see YOUR dresses you wore!! Love you guys!!

  4. I went on a trek here in SLC one summer while visiting and I agree Krystal- I went as a youth, but it was one of my most special experiences. Especially the womens pull. I hope I can one day be a "Ma and Pa" for youth and see it from the other perspective. So excited that you got to go. What a lucky group of kids!
