Monday, February 2, 2009

Taking a Sunbreak on a Happy Heart day

The other day I looked at the monster mound of clothes piled on the piano room floor (probably 7 or 8 loads worth) and I called everyone in for a laundry folding party. Nobody was very excited even though I called it a party. So the kids grumbled in and began folding. A few minutes into it Lauren surprised me and bounced up and said "I need a sunbreak". She walked over to the backdoor and sat in the sunlight that was shining through. Then she said, "I'm just taking a sunbreak on a happy heart day." It was so sweet and I thought to myself...'when was the last time I took a sunbreak?' We all need sunbreaks to make all the work we do bearable. So we went to the park.


  1. I can't believe you can go to the park in Feburary! You are such a good mom!

  2. Everyone can use a sunbreak on a happy heart day...what a cutie!

  3. So cute. Your cousins miss you! I cannot wait to get Lauren and Sofia back together. They will be such great playmates for one another. Maybe this time Ella can roll around with Kurt! Thank Lauren for the reminder to take a sunbreak.

  4. That is such a cute thing to say! It should go in a little quote book or something. love you guys!
