Friday, May 8, 2009

A Barn in Spokane

This post is inspired by my good friend Quincy who understands the magic of a barn. Ever since we went to our family reunion in Spokane last summer I just love looking at barns. Old barns, new barns, red barns, white barns, barns that look as if it could cave any second, ugly barns, well-kept barns. It doesn't matter, barns are just amusing me lately. I'm not sure why. Love barns. Maybe someday we'll have a barn and I can learn how to take care of baby chicks and sheep. It sounds like a lot of hard work and a lot of fun at the same time.


  1. That's a nice looking barn. I think I'd live in that one! Barns are fun to look at. I love the two barns out by the Moore's house. They're so pretty to me.

  2. I'm so glad to know you like barns! I love to think about the story behind the barn, what animals, what people, why it was built, the character and life just are intriguing. I think it's what makes all that weathered wood, worn paint and rusted metal so beautiful?

  3. No animals. I would like to drink lemonade and read a good book outside of my barn.
