Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Beep beep

Kurt points and makes lots of caveman grunts. We have been patiently waiting for some real words to slip out of his mouth. Of course he says ma ma occasionally and sometimes OU for 'out' to get out of his chair, but nothing really consistant or exciting. He loves to play with cars, trucks, trains and gets excited nearly to tears when he sees an airplane. The other day while he was playing with his cars he said, "beep beep...beep beep". The kids thought is was hilarious to hear him say something real. So now he vrooms his cars all over the couch and "beep beep" is close behind.


  1. Oh my goodness- is that KURT?! He is getting so big. We cant wait to see you guys.

  2. He is so so cute. He is such a perfect combo of all the kids!

  3. So cute!! I wish I could hear him say it!!

  4. I can just hear him! So cute! Give him a squeeze for me!
