Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Secret Garden

Nicole recently watched someone on youtube play the Secret garden theme song. After watching and practicing she figured it out on her own. This is one of my all time favorite movies ever. I love hearing her play it. Maybe someday I'll figure it out.


  1. I thought you were going to say that you put our movie on youtube. I almost had a heart attack. I can't watch the movie for some reason. I will try again tomorrow. love you guys

  2. Our movie would so rock youtube!
    I can't believe she figured that out on her own!! What a great talent she has. I am jealous! I want to learn it. When we get a piano please send her to our house so I can listen to her play it all day. I would love to hear that throughout the day!! She looks so darn cute too!

  3. wow, Nicole! I loved it. That was awesome. I need to get that movie we made on a DVD still!
